Block Shape, Spacing, Location, Direction and Arranging Style#

PyWaffle provides several parameters to control how and where to plot blocks.

Block Shape#

Parameter block_aspect_ratio controls the shape of blocks by change the ratio of block’s width to block’s height. By default it is 1, so that the blocks are squares.

fig = plt.figure(
    values=[30, 16, 4],
Change Block Shape

Block Spacing#

Parameter interval_ratio_x and interval_ratio_y control the horizontal and vertical distance between blocks. interval_ratio_x is the ratio of horizontal distance between blocks to block’s width and interval_ratio_y is the ratio of vertical distance between blocks to block’s height.

fig = plt.figure(
    values=[30, 16, 4],
Change Block Distance

Where to Start First Block#

Use parameter starting_location to set the location of starting block. It accepts locations in string like NW, SW, NE and SE representing four corners. By default, it is SW, meaning PyWaffle starts drawing blocks from lower-left corner.

Here is an example that start plotting from lower-right corner (SE).

fig = plt.figure(
    values=[30, 16, 4],
Change Starting Location

Plotting Direction#

By default, PyWaffle draws blocks column by column, thus categories are plotted horizontally. To make it vertical, set parameter vertical to True.

In the following example, it draws blocks from lower-left corner to lower-right corner row by row up to the top.

fig = plt.figure(
    values=[30, 16, 4],
Change Direction

Where to Start Each Category#

Use parameter block_arranging_style to set how to arrange blocks for each category. By default it is 'normal', which draws block of new category from where last category ends.

When it is snake, it draws with snake pattern, starting a new line from an opposite direction every time. This style is useful if you would like to keep blocks of each category together.

In the below example, since the default starting location is lower-left and default direction is not vertical, it draws blocks from lower-left to top-left for the first line, and then from the top block of second column down to the bottom one of this column, and then go on with snake-like pattern.

fig = plt.figure(
    values=[12, 22, 20, 4],
Change Starting Location

When it is new-line, it forces every category starting from a new line. Note that it only works when only columns is passed and vertical=True, or rows is passes and vertical=False. It will be ignored if both of columns and rows are passed.

fig = plt.figure(
    values=[30, 16, 4],
Change Starting Location