API Reference#

class pywaffle.waffle.Waffle(*args, **kwargs)#

A custom Figure class to make waffle charts.

  • values (list|dict|pandas.Series) – Numerical value of each category. If it is a dict, the keys would be used as labels.

  • rows (int) – The number of lines of the waffle chart.

  • columns (int) –

    The number of columns of the waffle chart.

    At least one of rows and columns is required.
    If either rows or columns is passed, the other parameter would be calculated automatically through the absolute value of values.
    If both of rows and columns are passed, the block number is fixed and block numbers are calculated from scaled values.

  • colors (list[str]|tuple[str], optional) –

    A list of colors for each category. Its length should be the same as values.

    Default values are from Set2 colormap.

  • labels (list[str]|tuple[str], optional) –

    The name of each category.

    If the values is a dict, this parameter would be replaced by the keys of values.

  • legend (dict, optional) –

    Parameters of matplotlib.pyplot.legend in a dict.

    E.g. {‘loc’: ‘’, ‘bbox_to_anchor’: (,), …}

  • interval_ratio_x (float, optional) – Ratio of horizontal distance between blocks to block’s width. [Default 0.2]

  • interval_ratio_y (float, optional) – Ratio of vertical distance between blocks to block’s height. [Default 0.2]

  • block_aspect_ratio (float, optional) – The ratio of block’s width to height. [Default 1]

  • cmap_name (str, optional) –

    Name of colormaps for default color, if colors is not assigned.

  • title (dict, optional) –

    Parameters of matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_title in a dict.

    E.g. {‘label’: ‘’, ‘fontdict’: {}, ‘loc’: ‘’}

  • characters – A character in string or a list of characters for each category. [Default None]

  • font_size

    Font size of Font Awesome icons.

    The default size is not fixed and depends on the block size.
    Either an relative value of ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’ or an absolute font size.

  • font_file – Path to custom font file.

  • icons (str|list[str]|tuple[str], optional) –

    Icon name of Font Awesome.

    If it is a string, all categories use the same icon;
    If it’s a list or tuple of icons, the length should be the same as values.
    See the full list of Font Awesome on https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free
    [Default None]

  • icon_style (str|list[str]|tuple[str], optional) –

    The style of icons to be used.

    Font Awesome Icons find an icon by style and icon name.

    The style could be ‘brands’, ‘regular’ and ‘solid’. Visit https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheet for detail.

    If it is a string, it would search icons within given style.

    If it is a list or a tuple, the length should be the same as values and it means the style for each icon.

    [Default ‘solid’]

  • icon_size (int|str, optional) –

    Font size of Font Awesome icons.

    Deprecated! Use font_size instead.
    The default size is not fixed and depends on the block size.
    Either an relative value of ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘x-large’, ‘xx-large’ or an absolute value of font size.

  • icon_legend (bool, optional) – Whether to use icon but not color bar in legend. [Default False]

  • plot_anchor (str, optional) –

    The alignment method of subplots. {'C', 'SW', 'S', 'SE', 'E', 'NE', 'N', 'NW', 'W'}

  • plots (dict, optional) –

    Position and parameters of Waffle class for subplots in a dict, with format like {pos: {subplot_args: values, }, }.

    Pos could be a tuple of three integer, where the first digit is the number of rows, the second the number of columns, and the third the index of the subplot.
    Pos could also be a 3-digit number in int or string type. For example, it accept 235 or ‘235’ standing for the Ith plot on a grid with J rows and K columns. Note that all integers must be less than 10 for this form to work.
    The parameters of subplots are the same as Waffle class parameters, excluding plots itself.
    If any parameter of subplots is not assigned, it use the same parameter in Waffle class as default value.

  • vertical (bool, optional) – Whether to draw the plot vertically or horizontally. [Default False]

  • starting_location (str, optional) –

    Change the starting location plotting the blocks. {'NW', 'SW', 'NE', 'SE'}

    When it’s ‘NW’, it means plots start from upper-left; ‘SW’ means plots start from lower-left; ‘NE’ means plots start from upper-right; ‘SE’ means plots start from lower-right.
    [Default ‘SW’]

  • rounding_rule (str, optional) –

    The rounding rule applied when adjusting values to fit the chart size. {'nearest', 'floor', 'ceil'}

    When it’s ‘nearest’, it is “round to nearest, ties to even” rounding mode;
    When it’s ‘floor’, it rounds to less of the two endpoints of the interval;
    When it’s ‘ceil’, it rounds to greater of the two endpoints of the interval.
    [Default ‘nearest’]

  • tight (bool|dict, optional) –

    Set whether and how .tight_layout is called when drawing.

    It could be bool or dict with keys “pad”, “w_pad”, “h_pad”, “rect” or None
    If a bool, sets whether to call .tight_layout upon drawing.
    If None, use the figure.autolayout param instead.
    If a dict, pass it as kwargs to .tight_layout, overriding the default paddings.
    [Default True]

  • block_arranging_style (string, optional) –

    Set how to arrange blocks. {'normal', 'snake', 'new-line'}

    If it is ‘normal’, it draws blocks line by line with same direction.
    If it is ‘snake’, it draws blocks with snake pattern.
    If it is ‘new-line’, it starts with a new line when drawing each category. This only works when only one of rows and columns is assigned, and vertical=False when rows is assigned or vertical=True when rows is assigned.
    [Default ‘normal’]

classmethod make_waffle(ax: Axes, **kwargs)#

Plot waffle chart on given axis. Run it with codes like: Waffle.make_waffle(ax=ax, rows=5, values=[48, 46, 6])

Note that calling this method does not update attributes, including fig_args, plot_args, and values_len

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – An instance of Matplotlib Axes

  • **kwargs

    Waffle properties


Waffle.fig_args: Dict#

All Waffle-specific arguments with default values

Waffle.plot_args: List#

Standardized arguments of all subplots

Waffle.values_len: int | None#

The length of values